2015 Goals

Hey guys, so today I thought I would do the old resolution post. Realistically, if there's something you want to change in your life, you can do it anytime. However, January, the first month of the year, seems like a good time to start afresh.

1. The usual for most is to lose weight and that's definitely one for me. Over the last few years my weight has just crept up and up, so this year I would love to not only stop the it but lose it too. Plus, I would just love to feel a lot healthier.

2. To manage my time better. This year is a bit of a big one. It's (fingers crossed) my graduation year. So I need to be able to have my assignments, particularly my dissertation worked on and handed in, in good time.

3. Keep up with my blogging. I'm really enjoying it at the moment and making sure I schedule posts, helps me keep on top of it!

4. As I do an English degree, reading for pleasure is just not what I want to be doing. However, I think if I push myself to get into it again, I will enjoy it once more. So I want to start small and read one book a month.

5. De-clutter. I am moving out of my current house and will be hopefully moving to a city centre flat. Which means less space. As a person who struggles to throw things away, I think it could be tricky but it needs to be done. I've already started on my wardrobe!

What are you New Years resolutions? Do you have any goals for 2015?


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